Melaleuca is Forecasting Hundreds of New Jobs to East Idaho

East Idaho News | By Tim
(IDAHO FALLS, ID) – Melaleuca, The Wellness Company, announced a new patent Wednesday that will protect the company’s Oligo technology. Company CEO Frank VanderSloot made the announcement calling the process to be granted this patent and what it means to Melaleuca the “most important development in the history of the company”. The Oligo technology is a breakthrough technology that delivers dietary minerals to the body in a similar way to how they are naturally delivered by fruits and vegetables. Oligo minerals are far more absorbable and generate far fewer “free radicals” than the forms found in other supplements.
The U.S. patent took three years to achieve and verifies that there is no other technology like Oligo. Proven to be a unique mineral developed by Melaleuca scientists in Idaho Falls, it will now be recognized as unique and protected by patent until the year 2030. Since its introduction, Oligo has become Melaleuca’s fastest selling and most popular product in its line of over 350 wellness-related products; the company has already sold over 400-million dollars in products using the Oligo technology.
A manufacturing plant will be built in Idaho Falls, set to begin construction in the Spring. It will bring to the area hundreds of new jobs in manufacturing and support personnel. Melaleuca is a billion-dollar global manufacturer of consumer products which is headquartered in Idaho Falls. With over 3,300 employees, Melaleuca markets and sells more than 350 health and wellness products to customers around the world. Customers can shop direct with Melaleuca online or by calling the company’s Idaho-based customer service center.