Melaleuca Hosts Town Hall Meeting with Carly Fiorina

Melaleuca Hosts Town Hall Meeting with Carly Fiorina

Melaleuca hosted a town hall meeting with Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina at its Global Headquarters today. Fiorina spoke to Melaleuca employees and members of the general public about a variety of national issues and answered questions from the audience.

Melaleuca CEO Frank VanderSloot introduced the former Hewlett-Packer CEO and noted her business acumen, innovative solutions for America, and leadership ability.

Fiorina shared her plans to engage citizens through technology, balance the federal budget within 10 years, shrink the federal government, repeal Obamacare, and drive down the costs for healthcare and student loans through competition in the free market.

She also encouraged everyone in the audience to put pressure on their political representatives in Washington, D.C., in order to facilitate change. “Your congress people and your senators need to hear from you,” Fiorina said.

Fiorina is not the first presidential candidate to visit to Idaho Falls this election cycle. Earlier this year, Florida senator Marco Rubio spoke with Melaleuca employees at the company’s headquarters. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Kentucky senator Rand Paul have also made stops in Idaho and requested meetings with Melaleuca’s management team.

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