20 Years: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

The year 2004 came to an explosive close with one of the strongest year-ends in company history. This success has already jump-started 2005 with even more momentum to surpass our record breaking $500,000,000 in sales last year. It has rolled out the red carpet for introducing our 20th year as a company.
Companies that survive 20 years are rare. Companies that open their twentieth year with the energy, attitude and sales momentum that we have are rare indeed!
While you take a few moments to absorb this accomplishment, and to consider what will unfold for the company in the near future, ask yourself: Where will I be at the end of 2005? What part will my Melaleuca business play in the larger success? What can I change, rearrange, or commit to make sure that I end 2005 in a better place because of my efforts?
Launching an Opportunity
Back in 1985, Frank VanderSloot had a vision of enhancing lives--- enhancing them with great products, exceptional prices, and an unparalleled independent business opportunity for those willing to work. From a humble beginning with only seven employees and eight products, Melaleuca, Inc. has unfolded that vision, and unfolded it in ways that have surprised even its founder. Today hundreds of thousands of people worldwide enjoy better health thanks to an amazing array of products. Thousands enjoy the rewards of the business opportunity. Melaleuca has given them a way to take control of their lives through financial growth, physical health and family wellness.
Melaleuca’s mission— “Enhancing the Lives of Those We Touch by Helping People Reach their Goals”— is one that has changed lives. As daily accounts of enhanced lives pour into our home office, we get the delight of learning how Melaleuca has done this, one life at a time. Whether an extra $500 a month has helped parents pay for a child’s college tuition, get braces for their children or just make ends meet during tough times, or whether several thousand dollars a month has paid off a mortgage or allowed a mother or father to be able to work at home, hundreds of thousands of lives have been enhanced. From a few hundred dollars a month to more than a million dollars a year, every one of our business builders has an inspiring story of his or her own.
But even the incredible business opportunity that Melaleuca provides is only the icing on the cake. The core of Melaleuca’s success stems from our exceptional products. Starting with only eight products 20 years ago, Melaleuca now offers more than 300 products, including scores of absolute jaw-dropping Superstars like Phytomega, Renew, MelaPower, Diamond Brite, the Vitality products, Replenex, Access, ProvexCV, the Gold Bar, CranBarrier, and on and on and on!
Products that make people healthier and happier. Opportunities that open doors, enlarge visions, build friendships, and strengthen homes. This is what ‘enhancing lives’ has always meant to Frank VanderSloot. This is what the true celebration is all about. And now another of Frank’s visions is becoming that much more real: getting Melaleuca products into every household.
Building a Legacy
As we look ahead to the days, months and years before us, we see a few important things to focus on that will continue this snowball effect. We must each continue to focus our story, our message, on the ever-expanding line of world-class products. The company will continue to lead out with exceptional products and exceptional value.
Second, the Melaleuca independent business model allows you to touch lives one at a time, making plain for each potential customer the science, the value and the benefits of every product we sell.
But that model allows you to impact your own life as well, offering you the opportunity for financial wellness, independence, and peace of mind.
Your understanding of the relationship between the company, the business model, and the customer is essential. As friends and families of Melaleuca customers and business builders see the wisdom of switching stores, of enhancing their own life through wise choices, this legacy of growth will continue. Melaleuca offers all of the tools needed to build a wonderful home-based business. By making quality enrollments and grasping onto the Melaleuca vision of integrity, trust, and value, customers will continue to pour in by the thousands each and every month. Those Marketing Executives who take the time to create a relationship with their customers, through quality presentations, committed follow-up, and honest help will build a legacy of strength and vision of their own!
With more than $600 million dollars in sales in one year and thousands upon thousands of new customers enrolling every month, Melaleuca has certainly come a long way since 1985. But the story is yet unfolding. Melaleuca is on its way and it is not slowing down. Take a few moments to consider the number of lives that have been impacted for the better. Twenty years of impacting lives!
Make this an opportunity to look at yourself: what does your future hold? How will the next twenty years change your life? How, given the present opportunities, can you change your life?
Melaleuca will continue to grow in sales and in market stature. We will enter new nations, cross new thresholds, touch more and more lives.
We applaud you. We thank you. And we invite you to go there with us!